Dacus Library Display Celebrates Women’s History Month


This year is the 100th anniversary of the congressional passage of the 19th Amendment which would give women the right to vote, but this did not mark the end of the fight for women’s rights in the United States. This Women’s History Month is an opportune time to examine feminist movements in the United States and learn about how the movement has progressed to become more inclusive over the last 100 years.


Our Women’s History Month display provides a timeline of events and landmark policies to show that women in America have been fighting for their rights since 1776, when Abigail Adams famously wrote to her husband to “remember the ladies… If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation,” to today, when a record number of women now serve in the United States Congress.



We have also included short biographies of influential, albeit sometimes controversial, women, such as Alice Paul (famous for her militant protest tactics), Carol Hanisch (famous for the ‘Bra Burning’ Miss America protest), and Patricia Robinson (famous for her essay “Poor Black Women” which called out the feminist movements oppression of black women) in order to highlight the different ways women have stood up for their rights.

With the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment on the horizon, we hope our display inspires students to learn more about the feminist movement in the United States and the fight for women’s rights around the world; more importantly, we hope it starts a conversation about the ways in which we can progress to true equality for all.


Dacus Library Celebrates Black History Month with a Soul Food Display


Black History Month is in full swing. The library is celebrating the heritage and culture of soul food and African foodways with facts about famous soul food chefs, the vegetables and dishes that came from Africa, and the history of African American cooking. Come check out our books on soul food cooking, learn how the vegan soul food movement is gaining popularity, and find out how a dish you love eating today came from a traditional African meal.


Stand Up For Your Right To Read!

September 25th through October 1st is Banned Books Week this year (2016). Although the name might at first seem a little misleading or confusing, Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read – it is after all our first amendment right! This annual event focuses on efforts to restrict or remove books from schools and libraries, usually by parents who find the content to be offensive or inappropriate in some way. By focusing on these efforts, Banned Books Week is actually drawing attention to the harm of censorship in our communities.

If you’d like to learn more, visit the ALA page on Banned Books Week and look for more posts this week on Dacus Library’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. Also, drop by Dacus Library and check out a banned book – we have some displayed on the main floor. If you’re not sure where to find a particular book, whether it’s been challenged somewhere or not, just ask us at the Information Commons desk or search our catalog here.

Banned Books Week 2016




Banned Books Week Exhibit and Mug Shots!

Get the word out! September 27th – October 3rd is Banned Books Week. Come to Dacus Library and check out our exhibit in the lobby and get your mug shot taken to show us that you too love banned books! If you’ve got some free time to read, check out a banned book from our display and take it home with you. We celebrate our freedom to read every day but especially this week!

Frequently challenged or banned young adult fiction is the theme of Banned Books Week this year. Take a look at the top ten most frequently challenged YA titles. For more information on Banned Books Week, check out The American Library Association’s site.


Congratulations to Brandy Brogden!

Congratulations to Brandy Brogden who won the first Starbucks gift card in our Black History Month trivia contest! Did you get the answers correct?

Q: What was William H. Johnson’s occupation?

A: Artist

Q: Where did the Incident of the Lunch Counter take place?

A: Rock Hill, SC

Q: Who was the first African American to attend Winthrop University?

A: Cynthia Roddey

Remember new questions will be posted on Monday each week in February, so don’t forget to play! There will be a random drawing for a mystery prize at the end of February.

Tip: Remember to include your name and email on your answer sheet.


Black History Month Exhibit and Trivia at Dacus Library!

Come check out our new displays in Dacus Library in honor of Black History Month. Answer trivia questions to be entered for a chance to win one of three (3) $5 Starbucks gift cards! Answers to the trivia questions can be found in the library displays. Drawings will be held on each of the following Fridays: February 13, 20, & 27, but you do not need to be present to win.


Take a look at the following displays (all located on the main floor):

  • Four display cases in the exhibit room featuring: William H. Johnson and The Harlem Renaissance, Integration at Winthrop, The First African-American Females at Winthrop, and The Friendship Nine. IMG_0041edited
  • Popular fiction with a spotlight on black authors (located on the table in front of the main stairwell).
  • New books shelf featuring new books in black history (located on the back wall between the Dean’s office and the Group Study Lounge/restrooms).

Exhibit: Out of the Box

Out of the Box: Odd and Fascinating Artifacts in the Pettus Archives


  • Why is there a machete in the Archives and what in the world was its use?
  • What three U. S. presidents have items relating to them on display in the Pettus Archives?
  • What is a Magic Lantern?
  • The Archives has a leg!!?

DSC_08432Chinese Cloth Sculpture-Crawford papers-DSC_0844

These intriguing questions and more may be answered by visiting the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections summer exhibit. On display are over 100 items that are a part of the Pettus Archives’ holdings that are a little unusual to say the least.

The captivating items include cuneiform tablets, lantern slides, Medieval Manuscripts, James Dean, exquisite needlework, 17th century paintings, unusual books and much more. (James Dean!!?)

The exhibit will be on display from June 1 through August 28 during the Archives operating hours. The hours are 8:00-5:30 Monday-Thursday and 8:00-noon Friday through August 1.  The hours are 8:30-5:00 Monday-Friday (appointments needed for Friday afternoon) for the remainder of August. The Archives will be open two more Saturdays this summer—July 19 and August 2—from 9:00-1:00.

For further information on the “out-of-the-box” collections or any of the Archives holdings, please call (803) 323-2334 or e-mail at archives@winthrop.edu.